Customer Reviews

Based on 523 reviews
Gail Claborn
Agility Dog

I recently started 1-TDC for my agility dogs as their health is very important to me! They are doing well their activity level and performance have been amazing even with this Texas heat! I my young dog has beautiful white teeth and I am excited that using 1-TDC will help with keeping them perfect! My older guys had had improvements in this teeth and I hope with continued use that it will only keep improving !

Sharon Broadway
Great product! We love it!

We have been using 1-TDC since Luna was a puppy. She is now 4 years old. She loves her little heart shaped
1-TDC treats. This is part of our dinner routine. She is a strong muscular lab and I truly feel that 1-TDC is keeping her joints healthy. At her last check up our vet commented on how beautiful her teeth are and said “ I wish my dogs teeth looked that good!” Thank you!

Robin Taylor
Love it!

Johnny is a 12 year old Rat terrier who has been on 1TDC for 8 years. He has only had 1 dental and only because they thought he had a cracked tooth. The Vet cannot believe how great his teeth look for his age. He was the #3 Rat terrier AKC agility standing for last year. He is still competing at a hight level just earring his Agility Grand Championship last month. He is running beautifully, happy and healthy thanks to 1TDC.

30 day use so far

Rosie’s (11 year old senior) teeth and gums have definitely improved already, and I’ll be curious what the vet says at next well check. Breath has also. As for mobility, difficult to tell at this point since the weather has been so hot and haven’t had a chance to see a difference in her arthritis. But she certainly is getting up and down stairs without a problem.

Pauline Bryant
Great for teeth

We are still fairly new at this but so far we’ve noticed a great improvement on our dog’s teeth. Can’t wait to see what continued use does for joint paint!